This web site was created for people with musical talents, whether you play in your garage, in a studio, or night clubs and bars. No matter whether you're a professional band with a big following, or someone just starting with a bunch of good ideas, we can get you heard: This site is where people will come to find new sounds, so they can download music from fresh new talent to enjoy. The beauty of this Web site is in it's simplicity and multiple purposes for those who are trying to create music and those who want to hear it. For someone looking to book bands for clubs and such, it's all right here and has never been easier.

There are so many bands and artists out there across the country. Many of them don't know how to get heard, or are just not in the right location. In a similar situation are the night clubs, bars, and even the record companies: They are looking for new and fresh talent every day, but are limited to only what is presented to them first hand. This web site can change all of that.

If you're a solo artist or working with a band, whether or not you have been to a recording studio and have CDs or tapes, you are already on your way to success in the music industry by coming to From your computer, you can upload your own recordings directly onto this site. If you have a slow connection and uploading isn't practical, you can send a copy of your music to us via snail mail and we can digitize it for you and put it on the site. Once established on this site, listeners will have access to your music like never before.


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